Customer Reviews

Based on 134 reviews
YUKA 1500: 3D Vision Robot Lawn Sweeping Mower
Brian d.B.
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10 (Extremely likely)
Alternate Use for YUKA 1500 with Sweeper

I’ve been watching the YUKA reviews and assessing the comments for a while now and decided that now was the time to try it out for what is clearly an alternate activity. I’m using the combo to sweep my tennis court and couldn’t be happier. We live in a highly vegetated area with lots of gum trees and the tennis court is always untidy. As soon as you clean, the leaves fall and after a while you get sick of blowing or sweeping them off. So with “Roger’s” arrival - our tennis protege, our court is now mostly clean, ready for play. He’s tasked to clean each morning, dump his waste outside the court area and saves me a massive amount of work. And in Roger’s spare time, I could always ask him to mow the lawn, but more on that later. I might get another one for that. Will keep you updated on the Mammotion Facebook page.

YUKA 1500: 3D Vision Robot Lawn Sweeping Mower
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0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)
Life saver

I've had the Yuka 1500 for a few months now and it's probably my best purchase I've made. Easy to use and setup, no-go zones work well and creating channels to different zones is easy. I have it coming on every second day and my lawn looks great.

LUBA 2 AWD 5000: Perimeter Wire Free Robot Lawn Mower
Andrew S.
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0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)
So Good

Very easy to set up and use. Would have been nice to receive a wall mount option for the RTK as part of the original purchase rather then an add-on.

YUKA 1500: 3D Vision Robot Lawn Sweeping Mower
Adrian C.
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0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)
first day

set was harder than I thought it would be
does seem to miss a bit but hopefully that gets sorted once it organises its route

LUBA 2 AWD 1000: Perimeter Wire Free Robot Lawn Mower
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10 (Extremely likely)
Great mower BUT...

I do like it, when it works. The reliance on the RTK is honestly a pain point. I feel it's still early for these types of mowers and eventually Lidar/Cliff Sensors etc will replace the RTK.
When it works it's set and forget and it works well. When it moves the map for whatever reason it's the painful process of remapping the area (it really needs the ability to "follow" a fenceline or a garden edge or retaining wall edge or have it drawn in on the map itself).
Everything else is fine, blades are good, it's super quiet and does a nice neat job. The bumper works but as you can expect only on certain angles. The vision unit is there, no idea what it actually does (it'll still plow into a fence plinth and try to roll off a retaining wall when the map moves for whatever reason). The FPV thing is funny but ultimately just a gimmick in my opinion.
Accessories wise I'm on my second garage (they replaced the first one which was much appreciated). It's got a weak design for stronger winds and I've ended up putting the whole thing under a park bench in my yard. I would DIY this over buying another one. People seem to be using Window Wells (not a thing here in Australia) but they seem to do the trick.
The bracket for the roof mount is good but I would like to be able to reposition the solar sensor on it (it's got a predetermined position which won't work for where the RTK was mounted in my case - and that can't be avoided).
It's not a seamless setup but it's not super difficult and there's more than enough 3rd party resources online for it.

Would I recommend it? Yes BUT not to anyone who's looking for plug and play. It's not there yet. It is close, but it's not the robot vacuum experience, yet but it could be. Support is what you want, no complaints there at all.

To summarise it - if you're a bit technically minded and into this sort of thing, it's fine, it could use some polish and it looks cool but when I was tasked with getting a robot mower for and older gentleman who's not technically minded this wasn't on the list.

YUKA 1500: 3D Vision Robot Lawn Sweeping Mower
Rick C.
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0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)
Where is the manual?

Why not having a user manual instead of the fast reference only? At least, I just had one 2 pages fast thing that showed how to connect to the powerpoint! totally unnecessary! I had a lot of issues with the Yuka in the beginning! But all was solved with the (Very) fast customer service! However, if one could have a good user manual, I think it would have been much easier to understand the way it works, not needing to be in touch with the customer service multiple times!

LUBA 2 AWD 3000: Perimeter Wire Free Robot Lawn Mower
Rod B.
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0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)
Luba 2

Luba 2 has mowed my lawn twice now,does a great job.bought it mainly for when travelling in caravan we don't come home to a jungle,
Very happy with my purchase.

YUKA 1500: 3D Vision Robot Lawn Sweeping Mower
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0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)

Thank you this is the most amazing lawn mower I have ever had

LUBA 2 AWD 5000: Perimeter Wire Free Robot Lawn Mower
Caroline C.
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0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)
great product

This has exceeded my expectations. needs good wifi , but is managing my 1.5 acres really well. love it.

YUKA 2000: 3D Vision Robot Lawn Sweeping Mower
Sylvester M.


LUBA 2 AWD 1000: Perimeter Wire Free Robot Lawn Mower
Charles W.
Bossy the electric cow.

Just got this mower a week ago. It took eight hours to learn how to operate and control this beast. But now she has turned into our electric cow. She goes out and raises for hours comes back to her barn to rest a little and then goes out and raises some more and I truly appreciate this. I haven’t had any troubles with this unit yet, it took a minute to figure out how to set up a no mow zone. But now my whole yard is mapped in my life just got much easier.

LUBA 2 AWD 1000: Perimeter Wire Free Robot Lawn Mower
It's done exactly what I wanted flawlessly

This mower works great. I don't really have to do anything to it. 20 minutes to set up out of the box, another 10 to set my first mowing task up. I wish it had a little stronger gps module or a wifi6 chip, but it works well as is.

LUBA 2 AWD 5000: Perimeter Wire Free Robot Lawn Mower
Kelvin D.O.
Robot Is Great, Map Logic Needs Work

The mower itself is an impressive beast, and it's doing a fantastic job.

However, when breaking up a large (1/3 acre corner log) yard into 3 more manageable task areas, it's quite tricky, because the areas cannot overlap. It is therefore inevitable that you'll have a strip of grass that is in neither area. If you accidentally overlap even a tiny bit, it throws away the entire new task area and you have to start over.

It would make much more sense to either
a. Allow the overlap. Big deal if a strip of grass gets mowed twice.
b. Automatically subtract any overlap from the new task area.

Secondly, you can't mark a shed as a no-go area, then put the charging dock adjacent to the shed. It complains that it's in a no-go area, and doesn't even give you the option to define a channel for the mower to back into its charger. What if I wanted to park it on the driveway next to the garage, which is not mowable yard area? That's a perfectly sensible place to have it park and charge, but it's not allowed. Absolutely silly.

I still gave it 5 stars because everything is still under active development. I've upgraded firmware three times, and I've only had the system a couple weeks. So it's somewhat likely that these and other issues will be improved (and made frankly sensible) in the coming weeks.

Another complaint: this review form has a spot for a YouTube URL.

I pasted and the form responded "Not a YouTube video URL". Uh, the hell it isn't. It absolutely is, ya dumb dorks.

YUKA 1500: 3D Vision Robot Lawn Sweeping Mower
First Time Robot Mower Owner

My Review on the Mammotion Reddit Forum:

Great Place for Reviews, Information, Troubleshooting

YUKA 1500: 3D Vision Robot Lawn Sweeping Mower
Single choice: Others
NPS score:
0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)
Game changer

Well done Mammotion. My new Yuka 1500 is seriously impressive! It's going to save me hours this summer.

LUBA 2 AWD 3000: Perimeter Wire Free Robot Lawn Mower
Luba 2

This mower does a wonderful job and better than was anticipated.

YUKA 1500: 3D Vision Robot Lawn Sweeping Mower

So far everything is working great, some small strips missed on the first mow, but easily fixed with manually mowing those areas with the robot. A lot of user error starting off with setup but modifications of map were easy, app is easy to use. I strongly recommend this product, the cut quality is very nice and clean. Very straight lines and alot of customization in the app for each mow.

YUKA 1500: 3D Vision Robot Lawn Sweeping Mower
andrew p.
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NPS score:
0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)


LUBA 2 AWD 5000: Perimeter Wire Free Robot Lawn Mower
David R.
Some Problems but ok

I bought the Luba 2 for 1.5 acres. My lot is about 1.3 acres and I probably have about .75 I mow. I like Luba but there are some problems. You can't mow at night because it can't see out of the camera. It is all it can do to keep my yard mowed running nearly all the time.

The blades get dull fast. I have to flip/change them every third mowing or so. And after just mowing a tiny bit, they no longer free spin like they are designed to do. They get bound up with grass. That doesn't really hurt the mowing.

I don't find the finished yard looks as good as my ZTR. I expected it to actually look better but it doesn't seem level. You can really see height differences in the grass height on the rows.

It has to recharge 3 to mow my front yard. Having a 1.5 acre version, expected it to mow it in one charge.

It often doesn't restart after a recharge. It will leave the charge stand and then stop. I have to go tell it to continue. This might be because I build a garage for it and it cannot get satellite signal in the garage. But I would expect it to get the signal once it is out and continue.

So far, still better than mowing myself. I have bad allergies.

LUBA 2 AWD 5000: Perimeter Wire Free Robot Lawn Mower
Tom J.
More Time for Whatever

My Luba 2 AWD 10000 has been in operation for two weeks and I am enjoying the extra time resulting from being free from sitting on my zero turn. Previously I spent about four hours every four days mowing two acres around my home and an adjacent rental property. Luba 2 is now handling all of the mowing. Initial setup and area mapping was not too difficult after having watched a few YouTube videos posted by Mammotion and existing users. Optimal placement of the RTK beacon ensured actual operation of Luba2 was as expected. On the whole I am quite satisfied with my purchase.

YUKA 1500: 3D Vision Robot Lawn Sweeping Mower
Don C.
Mammotion in Motion

The Yuka works as advertised, I have just begun working with it. Only issue so far is grass stringers get wrapped around the rake and I get overheated warning. Pause, clean and continue, all is well.

LUBA 2 AWD 5000: Perimeter Wire Free Robot Lawn Mower
Randall S.
Really like the Luba 2 5000

I was stressed some about mapping but turned out after a lot studying up on how and asking questions I think I got it right. Does what I wanted it to do. I also bought the L-Wall mount because I have a lot of trees in my yard and around the house. Wasn’t sure it was gonna work but glad I bought it.

LUBA 2 AWD 5000: Perimeter Wire Free Robot Lawn Mower
Laurel E.
Excellent Robot Mower!

We love our robotic mower. It does the best job and is very easy to program. Highly recommend

LUBA 2 AWD 1000: Perimeter Wire Free Robot Lawn Mower
Time saver

I’m glad I bought the Luba2 1000! My lawn always looks great. Puts the neighbors to shame! I just hope there will be more mowing patterns to choose from soon.

LUBA 2 AWD 3000: Perimeter Wire Free Robot Lawn Mower
Pablo A.
The best of the world.

Mote than I expected.